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The goal of TIMSS is to measure student achievement in mathematics and science in participating coun tries and to assess some of the curricular and classroom factors that influence student learning in these subjects. • Population 1 is defined as all students enrolled in the two adjacent grades that contain the largest proportion of 9-year-old students; • Population 2 is defined as all students enrolled in the two adjacent grades that contain the largest proportion of 13-year-old students; and • Population 3 is defined as all students in their final year of secondary education, includ ing students in vocational education programs. Police codes. The study will provide educators and policy makers with an unparalleled and multidimensional perspective on mathematics and science curricula; their implementation; the nature of student performance in mathematics and science; and the social, economic, and edu cational context in which these occur. TIMSS focuses on student learning and achievement in mathematics and science at three different age levels, or populations.

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