Kaljkulyator Dlya Raskodirovki Avtomagnitol Po Serijnomu Nomeru

Jezik: Slovenski jezik Vrsta gradiva: Diplomsko delo/naloga (mb11) Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo Organizacija: FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Opis: Teoretična izhodišča: Multipla skleroza je kronična avtoimunska bolezen osrednjega živčevja. Za to bolezen največkrat zbolijo ljudje v aktivni dobi življenja, med 20. Letom starosti. Pacienti so največkrat zaskrbljeni, da se bo s postavitvijo diagnoze njihova kakovost življenja zmanjšala.

Fps creator and model packs for fpsc Model pack 2: link http://www.4shared.com/file/NZp7mq-b/FPS_Creator_Model_Pack_2.htm. Sorry your browser is not supported! My first 3D model for fpsc 10 Posts 248 Views. 27th Dec 2018 13:05 by Fps. How do I install Model Packs for FPS. After the release of FPS Creator, The Game Creators have since released 72 Model Packs for FPS Creator. These packs vary in new entities, characters, sprites, segments and weapons. These packs vary in new entities, characters, sprites, segments and weapons. Free Model Packs. Over the years FPS Creator Classic released a lot of model packs, some created officially and some created by third parties. Those artists have generously agreed to release their packs for free as part of this open source project.

Metoda: Z metodo prostovoljnega pisnega anketiranja smo zbrali podatke o kakovosti življenja pacientov z multiplo sklerozo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kako se pacienti vsakodnevno spopadajo s psiho-fizičnimi težavami, ki jim jih povzroča multipla skleroza, ali življenjskih aktivnostih občutijo omejitve zaradi bolezni in ali menijo, da je njihova kakovost življenja slabša zdaj kot pred diagnosticiranjem multiple skleroze. Raziskava je bila izvedena v zdravstvenem zavodu na območju Štajerske v kateri je sodelovalo 50 naključno izbranih pacientov z multiplo sklerozo. Rezultati: Med 50 anketiranci je 30 odstotkov moških in 70 odstotkov žensk, starih med 23 in 71 let. Večina se zdravi za recidivno-remitentno obliko, in sicer 58 odstotkov. Prevladuje 20 odstotkov pacientov, ki so zboleli med 31. Letom starosti.

Med anketiranimi jih 54 odstotkov meni, da je njihova kakovost življenja dobra. Med njimi jih ima 54 odstotkov težave z ukvarjanjem z različnimi športi. Za vsakodnevno življenje jih 66 odstotkov ne potrebuje pripomočkov, ki bi jim olajšali gibanje. 64 odstotkov anketirancev je psihično stanje navedlo kot dobro.

Razprava: Paciente z multiplo sklerozo je strah in skrbi jih, kako dolgo bodo še lahko samostojni in ali bodo kmalu odvisni od drugih. Raziskava je pokazala, da so pozitivno usmerjeni glede poteka svoje bolezni.

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Če jih svojci podpirajo, lažje prenašajo psihične in fizične težave, ki jih prinese bolezen. Ključne besede:,, Leto izida: 2017 Založnik: [L. Romih] Izvor: Maribor UDK: 616.832-083(043.2) COBISS_ID: Število ogledov: 983 Število prenosov: 206 Metapodatki: Področja:. Postavite miškin kazalec na naslov za izpis povzetka. Klik na naslov izpiše podrobnosti ali sproži prenos.

Sekundarni jezik Jezik: Angleški jezik Naslov: QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Opis: Theoretical starting-points: Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. This disease affected people mostly in their active period of life, in the age between 20 and 40 years. The patients are often anxious that with this diagnosis the quality of their life will be worse.

Method: With the method of voluntary written inquiry we collected the data on the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis. With this study we wanted to find out how the patients are daily confronted with psycho-physical problems, caused by the disease, if they suffer limitations due to the disease and if they are of the opinion that their quality of life is worse than before setting the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. The research was conducted in a medical institute on the area of the region Štajerska and included 50 randomly selected patients with multiple sclerosis. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 30% of men and 70% women in the age between 23 and 71 years. The majority of patients are treated with drugs for relapsing – remitting form, namely 58%.

20% of patients predominate, who were diagnosed in the age between 31 and 35 years. Among the surveyed patients 54% believe that their quality of life is good. 54% of them have problems by dealing with sports. For everyday life 66% of them do not need the help to make their moving easier. The 64% of patients involved stated their physical condition as good.

Discussion: The patients with multiple sclerosis experience fear and worry about how long they will still be independent and how soon they will depend on the help of other people. The research showed that they are of positive thinking about the course of their disease. If they have the support of their relatives they can easier tolerate the psychological and physical problems, caused by the disease. Ključne besede:,, Komentarji.

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Massage services are also offered. Free private parking is available on site. The bright apartments include a seating area with a flat-screen TV. There is also a kitchen, fitted with a refrigerator.