Beowulf Italiano Pdf

There was Shield Sheafson, scourge of many tribes. A wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes. This terror of the hall-troops had come far.

CHAPTER 1 The old Danish kings were brave and adventurous. One of them were Beow Sheafson, son of the previous king Shield Sheatfson.

He had like heir the great Halfdane, who had three sons: Heorogar, Hrothgar and Halga. Hrotgar, to proclaim and show his power, built a great mead hall called Heorot Hall. In this place there were feasts, poets and singers every day. But a demon hated the happiness of Heorot hall so, one night, went there and carried thirty men away with him and the night later left the died bodies. So, the Danes began to leave Heorot Hall. After many years arrived on the cost Beowful, son of Hygelac, king of the Geats.

He was the strongest man on earth, to help and offer his advice to defeat the enemy. CHAPTER 2 Hrothgar welcomed Beowful and accepted his help because he have known him since he was a child and because, in past, king Hrothgar helped Hygelac in a feud. Beowful wanted to fight Grendel in single combat without weapons. But one man was not happy, Unferth. He was jealous of the courage of Beowulf and provoked with words Beowulf but he replied in right ways. The queen thanked him too.

CHAPTER 3 The Danes now could hpe in someone and there was a new atmosphere. The night came and Grendel came too. The demon took hold of a guard who was sleeping and bit into the man's body. Beowulf leapt up from his bed and held on to him tightly. He pulled the demon's arm and shoulder off.

Grendel fled the Hall and disappeared into the darkness. Bombas de agua manuales caseras. THe next morning anyone could see the traces of blood and the place were he drowned. Now Unferth couldn't criticise Beowulf for anything. CHAPTER 4 Soon they prepared a victory feast where the king gave Beowful and Geats warriors a lot of gifts, like horses and amours. When the feast finished averyone prepared to sleep.

But suddendly Grendel's mother entered in the Hall, killed the king's best friend, took son's armour and shoulder and ran away. The king terrorized sent Beowful in the forbidding place where the monster lived to defeat the mother. CHAPTER 5 The king went too, to avenge the friend.

They arrived near a cliffs. Beowulf killed a snake in the water and put on his armour. The monster was aware of the precence of the man, so she attacked him with a great crowd of sea-monsters. Beowulf used the sword that Unferth gave him but the magic sword failed. So Beowulf used a huge sword that he saw in the monster's armoury and cut off her head. CHAPTER 6 When the monster died the sword began to melt and appeared a lot of treasures but Beowulf took only the rest of the sword and monster's head. The hero gave the sword hilt to the king as a present and the king gave Beowulf an advice.

He said him to put his dreams and hopes in eternal things and not in strength or material things because the sickness or the time could destroy them. CHAPTER 7 The Geats were ready to come back home. Hrothgare showed all his respect for Beowulf. When they returned, king Hygelac too greeted the hero and his men. Beowulf spoke to the king about his worry about the wedding between the Danes king's daughter and Ingeld the Heathobar, the eternal enemy. He narrated too the encounter with the monsters and gave all the presents to the king. Beowful's reputation among the Geats was great now.

Hygelac was killed in battle and Beowulf became king, for 50 years. But one day a stupid man awoke a terrible dragon who protected a treasure. This dragon started to destroy all the things that he met.

Beowulf, remembered the old battles and he took courage, so he decided to fight, with eleven warriors. CHAPTER 9 The place where the dragon lived was very dangerous, enclosed in a stream of hot water. When the dragon saw Beowulf, he started to blew fire, and a sword and a shield, couldn't protect the king.

The only warrior that stayed with the king was Wiglaf. Together they destroyed the enemy.

However the king was wounded seriously and he died few time later. Beowulf asked WIglef to build a borrow on the cliffs for him and to look after his reign. CHAPTER 10 Beowulf's companions who had run away from the dragon, now came back.

Wiglaf was angry with them and their cowardice. Days later the Geats prepared Beowulf's funeral pyre. The dust was placed inside the barrow.

Kings, warriors and all the people, sang and remembered him and his actions.

Front cover of the 2014 hardback edition, titled 'Hringboga Heorte Gefysed' Editor Author Anonymous (Beowulf) J. Tolkien (Sellic Spell) Translator Cover artist J.

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